Tuesday, November 25, 2014

five favorite pictures

These are my five favorite pictures because they involve my dogs and flowers. They also are the most eye catchers.

The assignment is done!

These pictures took me a while to get but what I did is take them on my phone then I put them on Google drive and put them on my school computer in my files then put them in a contact sheet. Now here is my three day long contact sheet. The first picture I chose because it was blue of coarse, the second picture to the right on the first column is my dog Daisy Mae and I chose that because she is soooooo cute! The third picture is of Ernie off in the distance under my parent's bed, and of coarse I just love him to pieces so I could not leave him out. Then the eyeball is also of Ernie and if you had a choise to take a picture of an eyeball you would do a pet because who wouldn't. The flowers are my over few I chose it because who doesn't love flowers! Flowers are just so awseome! he picture of the stay strong sign is for something memorable and I guess Gage is memorable because of the heart failure he went through. The picture of the green thing; ir ahs a name I just forget the name of it, but it is so cool how those little spider repelers are. The photo of the hands is normal, a pair of hands that's it. The picture of the dog laughing is Ernie who is smiling for a car ride. The picture of the track is just a track and no one was there. The poisinios berries is the red picture. The other picture are regular berries for the medium shot. The trees are the complicated picture, and the dog walking away is Bagel. The last picture is Samuel waving off in the distance.

Thursday, November 20, 2014


Photography is about taking photos and videos of something that can be significant to someone or something. I do take photos because my father is a computer editor.

I take photos with my phone, or my iPad, or even my camera as well.

I don't have a social media account really but my parents do and they do edit it.

I don't edit them.

The angle of the photo can be significant on other places to.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

what is an infographic

  • What is an info graphic
  • An info graphic is a visual image such as a chart or diagram used to represent information or data.
  • "What Are Info graphics." Google. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2014.
  •  What do info graphics do?
  • Info graphics make the eye pop with colorful with facts about the subject.
  •  How do they work? 
  • The visual appeal of a well-designed info graphic adds an additional level of interest to the mix. People like to decorate their pages with interesting, colorful graphics and will find infographics tough to resist.
  • Apple, Marc. "Why Do  Work?" World's Largest Professional Network. Marc Apple, n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2014.
  • What makes a really good info graphic
  • A really good info graphic is colorful with images making people more likely to look at the info graphic.